Monday, 31 October 2011

Words Fail Me Podcast 22 - October 2011

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wfm oxford 006

Well that was close, it is just about still October, and the podcast is up just in time!

This month we visited the spiritual home of the Dictionary, Oxford. A coffee shop is our studio, and we discussed hummus, tails, U2 and Tai Chi.

Our guest this month was Richard Adams, author of Watership Down. Dave discusses all things rabbits, and Richard reveals what he thought of the film adaptation of his story.

Watership Down

Download now on itunes or directly at Podbean.

Podcast Episode notes...

Thanks to Adam, at Oxford University Press for letting us know about the Online Oxford English Dictionary, and the range available in the UK.

We can categorically say that Hummus does contain Tahini.

And, as usual, Dave is correct, the DC10 aircraft indeed has an engine on the tail!

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