Monday, 17 May 2010

May Podcast update

We seemed to have a slight problem with the podcast being uploaded yesterday, but we are in the process of fixing it! If you try now it should be working and you can hear Dave, Neil and Jo in all their audio glory!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Words Fail Me Podcast 5 - May 2010

The fifth episode of the Words Fail Me Podcast is recorded during an historic moment in the country's history while we were without a Prime Minister.

As Mr Brown was off to tender his resignation to the Queen, Neil and Dave were rambling about the sound of the sea, horrible sounding words, moonlighting on other podcasts, torturing mice and Neil's general ignorance of famous nurses.

Special guest dictionary opener this month is comedian Jo Caulfield, Seen here holding the Words Fail Me Podcast dictionary -

Jo Caulfield

Download this edition at Podbean or on itunes, and please give us any feedback